The file name is the mod ID, this makes it alittle hard to find the mods you want
If you want to make the process easier, download this program and follow the instructions on the page
- Make sure you take a backup of your mods folder before running
- If you don't sometimes Rimworld will error and show no mods installed, to fix this verify your game files through steam. finished copy the mods from the folder and put them in either whitelisted mods to be optional or enforced mods to be mandatory
First thing to know is the difference between "whitelisted mods" and "mods"
Enforced mods: this is the core mods, these are the mods that every player must have to join the server
Whitelisted mods: these are the optional mods, players can have as little or as many as they want
Blacklisted mods: this is for servers not using mod matching, you can black list specific mods you don't want people to join with
To add mods to the server you need to be subscribed to the mods
The default place for your mods files are:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100
The folder will look something like this:
Download this DLL fetcher
Unzip it and move the mods you want into the "Put Your Mods In Here" folder, Run the .bat file and you will have all the DLL files you need for your server
WARNING: if the mod is based in XML it will not generate a DLL file, just add the mod folder and it will work
You will likely get files like these when you extract all the mod DLL files
When you try to join the server with all the DLL's in the enforced mods folder it will say alot of mods like the ones in the above screenshot are not allowed
You can either move just the mods listed on your screen to whitelisted or move all mods to whitelisted, moving all mods to whitelisted is the easiest way to fix this issue